
Lily Creek Farms

Lily Creek Farms

Lily Creek Farms is a therapeutic riding center. We have a professional team providing growth and learning opportunities through the use of equine-assisted therapy to improve the quality of our student's lives.

What makes us different? Our typical student programs teach students about horses from the ground up. The first lessons focus on safety, then grooming, feeding, hoof care, and ground work, all while learning to ride! Our programs are customized for each individual's abilities and therapeutic needs.

For children and adults with special needs, the equestrian experience is life changing. No other therapeutic recreational opportunity benefits so many areas in such a holistic way.

Imagine the sense of confidence and independence a rider who uses a wheelchair feels on a horse. Think of a student's muscles growing stronger as he brushes his horse. Watch the emotional connection a rider develops with her horse, instructors, volunteers and fellow students.

We have seen firsthand how working with a 1,100 pound animal and gaining its trust increases a child or adult's self-confidence, self respect, and sense of responsibility. The farm is a place where riders of all ages benefit physically, cognitively and emotionally from a wide variety of horse experiences tailored to their needs by our horses, instructors and volunteers.

At Lily Creek Farms these kinds of “Little Victories" happen every day. Damien, who is one of our students that has Quad Cerebral Palsy, smiles and says to us while riding..."LOOK, LOOK, at my leg!" as his leg stretches to its proper length.

Joey, one of our students with Down Syndrome came to us with no attention span and very limited vocabulary. In only 3 weeks he would tell his horse, “Walk on!" He listened to every word our instructors told him and even learned to saddle his horse. These moments are beyond words and remind us again that our philosophy is true...The greatest of these IS love!

“There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man"
-Winston Churchill